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This section includes the most common inquiries received by Agnifilo Intrater to date. If you have a question that isn’t covered here, please submit it through the Contact Section. We will do our best to review all submissions and will post additional responses here. We encourage anyone who is reaching out to Luigi to refer to the guidelines on the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) and Federal Bureau of Prisons websites to ensure you are following proper procedures.

Please note that the below FAQs are provided merely as guidance and the BOP has discretion to change any of these at any time. Additionally, from time-to-time federal websites referenced below are temporarily unavailable, so these links may not always be operational. We’ll provide updates accordingly as new information becomes available.

Where is Luigi in custody?

Although he is being prosecuted by both New York State and the federal government, Luigi is currently being held in federal custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York.

Can I send mail to Luigi? Can he respond?

According to the Bureau of Prisons website, the "BOP encourages inmates to write to family, friends, and other community contacts to maintain these ties during incarceration. Written correspondence is classified as either general or special mail."

Luigi is allowed to write and receive letters while in custody, following the Federal Bureau of Prisons Program Statement No. 5800.16 (Mail Management Manual) and Program Statement No. 5265.11 (Correspondence). Due to the volume of mail, letters could take longer than usual to be screened and delivered. Please note that every letter that is received or sent is screened and reviewed by law enforcement. All mail that is in accordance with BOP policies and procedures should be addressed to:

Luigi Mangione (52503-511)
MDC Brooklyn
P.O. BOX 329002

Because Luigi receives photocopied versions of letters sent to him, we recommend anyone sending a letter to please date and number the pages. Please also make sure the letter being sent has large margins, because the edges of pages may be omitted when letters are photocopied.

Are there any restrictions on Luigi’s mail? I sent a letter to him and it was marked "return to sender."

According to BOP policies, if a letter is addressed incorrectly, it will be returned. If a letter is sent without a return address, it will not be delivered. The return address must appear in the upper left corner of the envelope and contain a fully spelled out first name, last name, and address. The letter should be signed by the sender with their name printed below their signature. If something in the letter was included that is considered to be against Federal Bureau of Prisons’ policies, it may be returned or will not reach the recipient.

May I send him items like books?

Due to the overwhelming generosity of members of the public, numerous books have already been mailed to Luigi. He is very appreciative, but kindly asks that people temporarily refrain from sending more books. The number of books he can possess at any given time is limited. According to BOP Program Statement 5580.08 (Inmate Personal Property), the limits are:

  • Books (5)
  • Photo Album / Scrap book (1)
  • Photos 4x6 single-sided (25)

Please note that wardens have discretion to adjust these limits.

Can I send Luigi photos?

Luigi is allowed to receive photos via Shutterfly and FreePrints in accordance with mail procedures while in custody, following the Federal Bureau of Prisons Program Statement No. 5800.16 (Mail Management Manual) and Program Statement No. 5265.11 (Correspondence). Due to the volume of photos, they could take longer than usual to be screened and shared. Luigi appreciates the photos that are sent and kindly asks that people send no more than five photos at a time. Please note that every photo that is received is screened and reviewed by law enforcement.

How can I sign up for official court information and case updates?

  • Federal Case Updates: Register for a PACER account here as either an individual (for personal use), attorney, or non-attorney filer. Click on “Find a Case” and select “Civil/Criminal/Bankruptcy.” You can search by Defendant Name.
  • State of New York Case Updates: Register on the NYS Unified Court System WebCrims portal. You can search by Defendant Name. Select “New York Supreme Criminal Court” from the dropdown menu.
  • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Case Updates: See updates on the Pennsylvania Courts website.

What else can I send Luigi?

Other than books, mail, news articles or photos, no other items can be sent to Luigi. The BOP does not allow packages from outside the facility; everything must be purchased through Luigi's commissary account.

Where can I contribute to Luigi Mangione’s legal defense?

People who would like to contribute are advised to do so via the following legal defense fund posted on GiveSendGo: “Legal Fund: Luigi Mangione.”

Does Luigi Mangione have spokespeople?

Luigi's attorneys are the only people authorized to speak on behalf of their client.


If you have a story you’d like to share, relevant information about the case, or even words of encouragement, please submit here. Please note that anything submitted here may become public in some form in the future.